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Aura to listen to my Yoga Nidra and meditation lessons
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Private & Group Lessons Available
via Zoom or In-Person
Pricing between $50 and $100 an hour. Additional fee for traveling to your location.
Email marci@sheboyganyoga.com for more information or to schedule a lesson.
Slow Flow Vinyasa
Yoga Nidra and Guided Imagery
Changing behaviors, thoughts, experiences, and emotions begins by imagining things being different.
Dream Reading
Explore your dreams using techniques taught by Catherine Shainberg of The School of Images.
Soul Collage®
Create personal energy cards similar to the many energy decks found online using the art form of collage. Use your deck of cards for readings and spreads to discover the many parts of your self.

About Me
MA Somatic Psychology
Naropa University
Certified Yoga Instructor
Sivananda Yoga Ashram, India
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training
Richard Freeman, Boulder, Colorado
Certified Facilitator in Sapphire® Imagery
The School of Images, New York City
Certified Facilitator of Soul Collage®